Lot# | Descr |
Lot# | Descr |
Lot# | Descr |
015 | Olmecoid Stone Maskette | 365 | Central Asian Bronze Axe Head | 567 | Ancient Bronze Strainer Bowl & Ladle (2) |
020 | Olmec Jade Celt | 368 | Bactrian Chlorite Intercultural Style Lidded Pyxis | 568 | Pair of Tang Baluster Shape Decorated Vases |
021 | Olmec Jade Fang Necklace | 373 | Gilt Silver Ornamental Roundels (2) | 571 | Song Dynasty Porcelain Vase with Flowered Rim |
041 | Olmecoid Green Serpentine Stone Standing Figure | 376 | Middle Eastern Speckled Stone Bowl | 576 | Han Dynasty Mounted Soldiers (3) |
047 | Chontal Greenstone Figure | 380 | Large Head of a Monstrous Being with Lionine Features | 580 | Tang Dynasty Lidded Pottery Jar |
051 | Guerrero Stone Frog Pendant | 382 | Kilia Head with Carved Nose | 581 | Indian Pink Sandstone Bust of Surya |
053 | Mezcala Skeletal Maskette | 391 | Attic Blackware Plemochoe | 582 | Gandharan Stucco Buddha Head |
056 | Mezcala Gray Stone Figure | 400 | Corinthian Decorated Pottery Alabastron | 583 | Indian Sandstone Vishnu |
061 | Sultepec Black Serpentine Mask | 402 | Campanian Blackware Bowl | 584 | Ming Horse with Rider |
063 | Chinesco Seated Female Figure | 404 | Daunian Funnel Krater | 588 | Chinese Small Blue & White Bowl |
072 | Chinesco Seated Figure with Wide Hips | 406 | Gnathian Ribbed Skyphos of Bird in Flight | 594 | Qing Dynasty Bowl with Floral & Fruit Decoration |
079 | Archaic Colima Figure with Multiple Babies | 411 | Etruscan Votive Profile Head of a Youthful Male | 595 | Chinese Glazed Pottery Decorated Vase |
088 | Colima Lidded Bowl with Figures & Snakes | 415 | Greek Male Head Protome | 605 | Indian Small Brass figures (5) |
097 | Jalisco Large Redware Wrestler Figure | 418 | Greek Protome Bust of Persephone | 608 | Indian Marble Parvati |
098 | Colima Redware Hunchback Shaman | 420 | Etruscan Bronze Fibulae (2) | 609 | Thai Sandstone Buddha Head |
101 | Colima Jaguar Figural Vessel | 422 | Greek Bronze Vessel Handle | 611 | Burmese Marble Buddha |
106 | Colima Redware Seated Female | 425 | Greek Geometric Bronze Bird Stamp | 614 | Burmese Bronze Duck Weights (5) |
111 | Jalisco Seated Female with Bowl on Back | 443 | Roman Bronze Chest Parts | 616 | Thai Bronze Headless Buddha |
115 | Ixtlan del Rio Seated Female Holding Bowl | 445 | Roman Imperial Banded Agate Pyxis (Lidded) “Luxus” Vessel | 617 | Southeast Asian Silver Incised Hook Ornaments (2) |
126 | Nayarit Standing Warrior Wielding Club | 448 | Holyland Limestone Lidded Incense Burner | 625 | Northwest Coast Totem Pole |
134 | Colima Seated Redware Figure Holding Bowl | 450 | Roman Bronze Pegasus Forepart Handle | 630 | Boiken Bowl with Relief Carved Fish |
138 | Teotihuacan Speckled Greenstone Symbol Pendant | 451 | Bronze Rams Head Handle | 632 | Washkuk Men’s House Panels (2) |
155 | Veracruz Seated Figure | 453 | Roman Bronze Dolphin Handle & Vessel Fragment (2) | 634 | “Kara-ut” Abelam Warrior Pectoral |
160 | Vera Cruz Pottery Head Pendant | 454 | Late Roman-Byzantine Bronze Cruciform Ornaments (6) | 638 | Small Gope Spirit Board |
168 | Fine Maya Black Hardstone Cinnabar Jar | 455 | Roman Bronze Youthful Female Head | 639 | Lower Murray Boomerang |
169 | Maya Animal Vase | 456 | Roman Silver Roundel Applique | 644 | Fiji Gunstock Club |
173 | Withdrawn Lot | 458 | Roman Reclining Limestone Figure | 645 | Fiji Club |
183 | Fine Maya Standing Dignitary | 462 | Large Byzantine Bronze Stamp Seal with Greek Inscription | 646 | Rootstock War Club |
187 | Maya Carved Vessel with Seated Chiefs | 468 | Late Roman Blue Green Glass Footed Chalice | 648 | Austral Islands Ceremonial Paddle |
195 | Maya Decorated Bowl Bowls (2) | 477 | Roman Bulbous Handled Bottle | 653 | Northern Indian Temple Carving |
196 | Maya Decorated Ollas (2) | 481 | Byzantine Amber Glass Hexagonal Juglet | 657 | Bamana Antelope Chi Wara |
224 | Costa Rican Stone Pendants (4) | 488 | Roman Large Handled Glass Vessel | 659 | Bamana Mask |
226 | Diquis Stone Mortar | 489 | Roman Olive Glass Bowl | 662 | Dogon Wood Figure |
235 | Diquis Stone Standing Figure | 494 | Roman Green Glass Handled Juglet | 663 | Kulango Male Figure |
236 | Tolima Large Gold Pin | 496 | Roman White Glass Alabastron | 665 | Guro Mask |
256 | Valdivia Limestone Cup | 502 | Egyptian Marble “New Years” Flask | 666 | Dan Mask with Aluminum Teeth & Eyes |
264 | Chavin Carved Shell Pendants | 508 | Egyptian Blue Faience Glyphs (7) | 668 | Dan Yacouba Mask |
266 | Carchi Pedestal Bowls (2) | 509 | Egyptian New Kingdom Woven Sandals | 673 | Senufo Standing Figure |
272 | Moche Gold Ball, Crystal & Gold Necklace | 511 | Egyptian Limestone Artist’s Sketchpad | 683 | Afikpo Mask |
274 | Cupisnique Blackware Decorated Vessel | 512 | Egyptian Painted Wood Canopic Lid of Duamutef | 684 | “Mupo” Bafo Figure |
276 | Exceptional Chavin Blackware Double Crab Vessel | 516 | Egyptian Small Blue Faience Ushabti | 685 | Igala Trophy Head |
278 | Moche Drunkard Holding a Large Covered Vessel | 526 | Egyptian Faience Thoth Amulet | 692 | Suku Helmet Mask |
285 | Viru Owl Vessel | 527 | Faience Thoth Amulet | 697 | Large Katsina Janus Figure |
288 | Viru Reclining Man on Blanket Roll Vessel | 530 | Egyptian Faience Ankh | 705 | Bundle of Iron “Kissi Pennies” |
304 | Tiwanaku Basketry Plates with Geometric Patterns (2) | 532 | Egyptian Faience Uzat & Sun Disc Amulets (2) | 712 | Izzi Elephant Mask |
316 | Chancay Shamans Rattling Staff | 535 | Egyptian Plaster Model of a Leg | 713 | Mama /Kantana Water Buffalo Crest |
319 | Chuca Pictographic Painting on Stone | 540 | Egyptian Early Dynastic Stone Trussed Pig | 715 | Ngbaka/Bwaka Mask |
323 | Nazca Multicolored Geometric Textile Panel | 543 | Egyptian Carnelian Amulet of Hapi | 719 | “Kalunga” Hunting Charm |
325 | Chancay Embroidered Stylized Moon-dog Panel | 545 | Coptic Textile Fragment | 720 | Pende Mask |
328 | Chancay Stylized Spiders & Chevrons | 546 | Coptic Textile Fragments (4) | 721 | Teke Figure |
334 | Acheulean Hand Axe with Natural Polish | 547 | Coptic Bone Female Idol | 722 | Janus Hemba Kabeja Figure |
335 | Acheulean Hand Axe with Natural Polish | 549 | Parthian Panther Form Bronze Handle | 723 | Yombe Female Figure |
336 | Acheulean Hand Axe | 559 | Indo-Persian Painting | 724 | Luntu Figure |
338 | Neanderthal Flint Hand Axe | 562 | European Wooden Putti Applique | 726 | Large Hemba Figure |
347 | Assyrian Black Stone Plaque/ Relief | 563 | French Hardwood Carved Corbel |
348 | Sumerian Pink & Yellow Marble Bowl | 565 | Decorated Pewter Plate |